The UA-EACC Gallery presents Work on Paper, an exhibition by EACC art instructor and artist Remy Miller of Lakeland, Tennessee. The exhibit will run through Monday, March 31st. The public is invited to meet the artist in the Gallery on Saturday, March 15th at 6:30 p.m. before Kool & the Gang's performance at the Fine Arts Center.
Artist and instructor Remy Miller has been teaching various art courses at EACC since fall 2019. He was a faculty member and later served as dean/vice president of academics at Memphis College of Art where he taught for 30 years. Born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Miller spent his childhood in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Painting from the University of Connecticut in 1981, and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Painting from Bowling Green State University in Ohio in 1984.
Miller's exhibit includes artwork that spans a period of over 40 years, most of his life as a painter. "The portrait of Englebert Schertler, my wife's grandfather, was done in 1982 when I was in my first year of graduate school," said Miller. "The pictures of Scott's Creek, near where I live in Lakeland were painted in 2023, and the other paintings included in the exhibit were made at some point in between," he added.
The style of Miller's work presents a refreshing approach to creating art as he prioritizes the exploration of materials over the pursuit of a specific style or adherence to trends and theories of art. "It would be stretching it to say that I have embraced a sort of stylistic eclecticism, but I am motivated by and interested in experimenting with my chosen materials more than trying to achieve a singular style," said Miller. "I am relatively uninterested in theories and concepts involving art, art history, subject matter, and other contemporary art world concerns. I can't tell you what art is, but I can tell you why I think a painting or drawing is done well or poorly," said Miller.
Remy Miller has achieved regional and national recognition as an artist with numerous exhibitions in a variety of galleries, alternative spaces, schools, and museums across the United States including the Dixon Gallery, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Christian Brothers University, Rhodes College, Memphis Center for Contemporary Art, Lausanne Collegiate School in Memphis, University of Missouri, Missouri State University, Central Missouri State University, Columbia College, Adams State College in Colorado, Toledo Museum of Art, Bowling Green State University, Haggin Museum in Stockton, California, Northwest Mississippi Community College, Itawamba Community College in Mississippi, Arkansas Arts Center, and many more. In addition, Miller has been an artist-in-residence at the Van Burren College of Art in Ballyvaughan, Ireland and the McNamara Foundation on Westport Island, Maine.
The Gallery is located in the Fine Arts Center. Daily hours for the Gallery are Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., or as scheduled for special group tours. There is no charge for admission. For more information, call 870-633-4480, ext. 352.
Scott's Creek" 30x39, Gouache/charcoal