East Arkansas Community College is committed to having a positive learning and working environment for its students and employees and will not tolerate sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment, a type of discrimination based upon gender, and other forms of sexual misconduct. Sexual harassment is a violation of Federal law as stated in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
Students and others who wish to learn more about EACC's Title IX processes may find additional information in the Student Handbook, which is located within the EACC Catalog. Employees wishing to know more about Title IX may consult the EACC Faculty/Staff Handbook.
Students who wish to report an incident of sexual misconduct may, at any time, contact EACC's Title IX Coordinator:
Errin James Dean of Student Experience Welcome Center East Arkansas Community College 1700 Newcastle Road, Forrest City AR 72335 (870) 633-4480, ext. 252 ejames@eacc.edu
Employees who wish to report an incident of sexual misconduct may, at any time, contact EACC's Title IX Deputy Coordinator:
Lindsi Huffaker Associate Vice President for People & Culture Office Building 6 East Arkansas Community College 1700 Newcastle Road, Forrest City AR 72335 (870) 633-4480, ext. 282 lhuffaker@eacc.edu